Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bush says he didn't compromise soul to be popular

WASHINGTON – President George W. Bush knows he's unpopular. But here's what matters, he says: "I didn't compromise my soul to be a popular guy." In a wide-ranging interview with Fox News Channel, Bush also praised the national security team assembled by President-elect Barack Obama, offered hope to U.S. automakers seeking government assistance and said the people of Illinois will have to sort out allegations that Gov. Rod Blagojevich sought kickbacks in choosing a successor for Obama's Senate seat.

Bush said presidents fail when they make decisions based on opinion polls.
"Look, everybody likes to be popular," said Bush.

"What do you expect? We've got a major economic problem and I'm the president during the major economic problem. I mean, do people approve of the economy? No. I don't approve of the economy. ... I've been a wartime president. I've dealt with two economic recessions now. I've had, hell, a lot of serious challenges. What matters to me is I didn't compromise my soul to be a popular guy."


  1. "I've abandoned free market principles to save the free market system" -W

    He may not have compromised his soul as a liberal but he has thrown conservatism under the bus. Cheer leading for this disgrace of a president will only hurt the Republican party.

  2. Who is cheerleading?? The Republican Party must get back to their conservative principles if we ever expect to win national elections again.

  3. I'd argue he did compromise his soul when he signed the bailout package. It was what made him popular with his clique. True fiscal conservatives were against it like Bunning. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that allows the US Government to do what they did. And there is no opposition from any of the leaders of this party. Including the leader from our great State. What a shame. We need to get back to principles AND stand up for them.

  4. Agreed, If this party ever expects to win anything again it MUST restore it's foundation. This president has done more to harm the Republican party, the brand name, the philosophy, and the very belief in conservatism i.e., free markets, freedom, and the rule of law, with his association than any single person could have done in 8 years. The party MUST shun him and anybody who can be associated with him or holds his beliefs before they rot us from the inside. He is poison to everything America stands for.

  5. Maybe he didn't compromise his soul rather he just completely changed it.
