Monday, March 29, 2010

What is a RINO Anyway?

There is talk all around our great nation about 'RINO hunting' this November. So what is a RINO? ...and why should I care?

RINO, put simply, is an acronym for 'Republican in Name Only.' Some liberal bloggers and politicians would have you believe this is an unfair labeling movement to be avoided in your local district. What many of these bloggers miss is the movement driving all this, and that is the Conservative Movement.

Yes, there is a movement out there today and it can't be denied. You see it in town halls, Tea Party meetings and on the street where Americans are coming together and discussing the future of our nation. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians and others are all part of this movement. Republicans that are using their political power for personal gain, nepotism or to support their own private agendas at the expense of their constituents have just as much to fear from this movement as any other party affiliated member engaged in these heinous activities.

Here again, you have the 'powers that be' trying to bend the words and shape the decisions of you, the American People. Regardless of party, these folks will rally around one another in an attempt to demonize you and distract from the topic. Republicans guilty of turning their backs on the American People are crossing the aisle in an attempt to obtain support from anyone that can defend them against the Conservative Movement.

Again, my charge to you is this: Don't allow yourself to be distracted from the subject! They'll cite historic documents, news stories and the like, defending their backwards politics by pointing out dark times in American history, some of them attempting to re-write history as they go. No intelligent conservative today denies that both major parties have had times of conservatism and liberalism... but we are all looking for conservative American values to spring us out of the mess we're in and into a brighter future. This is what the RINOs don't want... to acknowledge that this movement is about making the Republican party better, not restoring it to some inflated ideal of the past. It's about taking what made the party great in the past and combining it with what will make the party great in the future.

It's new, it's hip, it's happening and we won't let anyone stand in our way, regardless of what letter you put behind your name. Democrats, Independents and Republicans alike have much to fear (politically, mind you) if against conservative American principles that made this country great. You're not being called out unfairly, it just happens that you are in a party that is getting a hold of its roots and yearning to grow tall and strong. If you are a RINO, expect what you *should* from your party: fair treatment. You'll go down with the rest of them.

Conservative Democrats and Independents are finding new homes in the Republican party. When they don't go along with their party line and ally themselves with the People, they're getting pushed out and being welcomed with open arms into the party that is unified and rallying around the People to make this country a better place to learn, work and live.

Until next time, friends. Be peaceful, be patient... and be STRONG.

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